Door Repairs Hamilton
Windoorlock door repairs hamilton service can help you with repairing doors in your house that are not closing properly or that are damaged in some way.
Nothing is more frustrating than a door that is hard to open or close. You may choose to put up with it for awhile, but you maybe surprised how simple and easy it is to have your door back to being fully functional.
Windoorlock Door Repairs Hamilton can help with
- Worn or short door rubbers that shrink to the inside and outside of your door causing draughts and sometimes allows rain to come in.
Door rubbers can be replaced for $7.50 a metre
- Timber Liners on Aluminium Doors can sometimes swell and crack leaving your door hard to open or close.
In some cases, this can be repaired or if the timber is too far gone then we will need to replace.
- Sliding Doors become hard to open and close.
- Door Dragging or hard to open – We can lift your door and secure it from only $35

- Timber Doors jamming – we can trim your door and prime the bare timber from only $35
- Rotten or damaged timber and Aluminium Doors – From time to time we come across doors that need replacing as the foundations and timber joinery have just simply rotted out.